Author/Editor     Božič, D
Title     Standardi v zdravstveni informatiki - Kako do njih?
Translated title     Standards in medical informatics - How to get to them?
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, editor. MI 96. Zbornik prispevkov s kongresa Društva za medicinsko informatiko; 1996 Sep 22-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo za medicinsko informatiko Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 53-6
Language     slo
Abstract     This article presents facts about standards and their 'life cycle'. Some international experiences, starting-points, and directives are included. In Slovenia, we started the area of standardisation in health informatics step by step and we prepared an overiew of existing standards for selected sub-areas in the first phase. Next phases will have to bring certain suplements to existing chapters and, when necessary, also technical acts to ensure implementation of standards' requirements. At the same time some new areas will be opened - especially those relevant to data interchang in Health Information System.