Author/Editor     Trobec, R; Slivnik, B; Geršak, B; Gabrijelčič, T
Title     Computer simulation and spatial modelling in heart surgery
Type     članek
Source     In: Miklavčič D, Bajd T, Stanič U, editors. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on mechanics in medicine and biology; 1996 Jun 30-Jul 4; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian society of medical and biological engineering,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 519-22
Language     eng
Abstract     A three dimensional modelling and heat transfer computer simulation of generally-shaped, non-homogenous bodies, is proposed and described in this work. The complexity of the calculation is estimated and the potential use of high performance parallel computers is discussed. The method is focused for applications in medicine. As an example, a numerical algorithm for the parallel computer simulation of heart coolling procedures during surgery is presented, and, on the basis of simulated results, different methods of cooling are compared.
Descriptors     HEART SURGERY