Author/Editor     Cankar, Ksenija; Finderle, Žare
Title     Fluorescenčna kapilaroskopija
Translated title     Fluorescence capillaroscopy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 63-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Fluorescence capillaroscopy is one of methods for the assessment of morphology and functioning of skin microcirculation. Using Na-fluorescene and indocyan green stains, parts of the microcirculatory system can be presented which cannot be seen in static capillaroscopy. Using this method it is possible to estimate the length of capillary loops, diameters of erythrocyte columns in capillaries, diameters of entire capillaries and diameters of halos. In addition, data can be obtained on the perfusion of capillaries, transcapillary and interstitial diffusion. This can be of help in assessing the condition of microcirculation in arterial occlusive disease, diabetes and chronic venous insufficiency. This method can be used for differential diagnosis for various types of lymphedema, vasospastic disorders and connective tissue disorders.
Summary     Fluorescenčna kapilaroskopija je ena od metod za oceno morfologije in funkcije mikrožilja kože. Z barviloma Na-fluorescein in indociansko zelenilo lahko prikažemo dele mikrožilja, ki niso vidni pri statični kapilaroskopiji. S to metodo lahko ocenimo dolžine kapilarnih zank, premere eritrocitnih stolpcev v kapilarah, premere celotnih kapilar in premere perikapilarnega področja. Poleg tega lahko dobimo tudi podatke o prekrvitvi kapilar, o transkapilarni in intersticijski difuziji. To nam lahko pomaga pri oceni stanja mikrožilja pri arterijski okluzivni bolezni, slakorni bolezni in kronični venski insuficienci. S to metodo lahko ločimo posamezne oblike limfedema, vazospastičnih obolenj ter obolenj vezivnega tkiva.
Descriptors     SKIN