Author/Editor     Jurman, B
Title     O strukturi človeškega mišljenja
Translated title     On the structure of human thinking
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 1-2
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 159-76
Language     slo
Abstract     The first part of the paper stresses the importance of using various approaches in our daily reasoning and problem-solving, abandoning any scientific and other prejudices. Only such thinking can be creative and bring the subject to his or her goal. Our model of thinking is based on this supposition and derived from the fact that three-dimensional human thinking is determined by the dimensionalyti of our planet. This thinking space has three coordinates:material-spiritual, concrete-abstract and real-invented. When set in the shape of a cube, these coordinates meet in eight corners, which represent eight modes of human thinking. In the paper, these modes are explained and specified. From the cube model, the relations between these modes and their meaning are deducted, as well as the products of creative thinking. Finally, three practical applications are derived from the model of human thinking: educational, hygienic-mental and occupational-counselling. The charts in the paper serve to illustrate the abstract ideas of the author's model of human thinking.
Descriptors     THINKING