Author/Editor     Gros, Anton; Spudič, Štefan
Title     Kirurško zdravljenje holesteatoma z ohranitvijo sluhovodne stene - da ali ne
Translated title     Surgical treatment of cholesteatoma with preserved canal wall - yes or no
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 6
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 43-7
Language     slo
Abstract     We present 427 ears trated, surgically for cholesteatoma between 1985-1995. In 150 ears we used the "Intact canal wall" technique and in 277 ears the "canal wall down" technique. We analyzed the frequency of recurrent cholesteatoma where we used surgical procedures with the closed and open technique. Recurrence took place in 16,6 percent of closed and in 6,1 percent of opern technique. We found that the "Intact canal wall" technique was not associated with a grater occurrence of recurrent cholesteatoma. The canal wall should be preserved in cases with the possibility of microscopic removal of the cholesteatoma and regular postoperative follow-up.
Summary     V letih 1985-1995 smo opreirali 427 ušes s holesteatomom srdnjega ušesa. V 150 primerih smo sluhovodno steno ohranili in v 277 primerih smo jo odstranili. Analizirali smo pogostost ponovitve bolezni pri kirurškem posegu z zaprto in odprto tehniko. Pri ohranjeni sluhovodni steni smo imeli ponovitev bolezni v 16,6 % primerov, pri tehniki z odstranjeno sluhovodno steno pa v 6,1 % primerov. Ugotovili smo, da je bila pogostost ponovitve bolezni majhna pri ohranjeni sluhovodni steni. Sluhovodna stena naj se ohrani v vseh primerih, kjer je holesteatom možno mikroskopsko odstraniti in po operaciji redno spremljati stanje bolnika.