Author/Editor     Dolenc, Anton
Title     Vloga in pomen Inštituta za sodno medicino in narkomanija na Slovenskem
Translated title     The role and significance of the Institute for forensic medicine, and narcotism in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 5
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 31-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The Institutefor Forensic Medicine was established upon the founding of a complete Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. Toxicological laboratories began operafing immediately atter its founding, the Department of AlcoholometN being among the first. Over the past two centuries, the technical revolufion has enabled The collection of in-depth knowledge about thousands of poisons which surround us in every day life. Accidental suicidal and homicidal intoxicafions are on the increase, and the number of hospitalized pafients is rising in parallel. Present-day legislators pay special attention to the production and use of drugs of abuse, in some countries resulting even in death penames. Toxicologists at the Institute of Forensic Medicine have traditionally always been available to perform urgent toxicological tests for the needs of hospital departments and clinics for the enfire countN, in addition to their regular work program, which in tum means that the Toxicology Department of the insfitute is the central toxicology IatwratoNu Due to the increasing number of intoxicafions with drugs of abuse, above all among young people, the institute has began introducing new analitical methods, in spite of the personnel and financial drfficulties the insfitute has faced ever since its founding.