Author/Editor     Zidar, N; Jerše, M
Title     Avtoimunski gastritis
Translated title     Autoimmune gastritis
Type     članek
Source     In: Cerar A, Križman I, editors. Gastritis in z njim povezane bolezni. 27. memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za patologijo,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 143-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Autoimmune gastritis (AG) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characteriyed by chronic atrophic gastritis of the corporal mucosa and circulating antibodies against parietal cells. Destruction of the parietal cells may develop in the stomach, resulting in an increased risk for adenocarcinoma and carcinoid of the stomach. AG is usually diagnosed in late stages; pernicious risk for the development of gastric cancer. Our attention should be therefore focused on early detection of AG, especially in persons at higher risk.