Author/Editor     Pavlovič, M; Flis, V; Matela, J; Miksić, K
Title     Surgical treatment of congenital arteriovenous communications: review of 6 cases
Type     članek
Source     In: Balas P, editor. International congress of phlebology; 1996 Sep 4-8; Corfu. Bologna: Monduzzi editore,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 71-80
Language     eng
Abstract     The authors report on 6 cases of congenital arteriovenous communications, surgically treated in Teaching Hospital Maribor during the perior between 1994 - 1995. The location of AVF was lower ectremity in 4 cases, the upper extremity in 1 case and the scalp region of the head in last. In 4 cases we performed skeletonisation of the main artery with ligation of the AVF and in 2 cases only simple ligation of proximal arterial supply to the vascular lesion. In the first 4 cases, operative treatment was succesfull (the symptoms dissapeared) but in the last 2 cases, it was only transiently beneficial. The control angiography showed a reccurent AVF at the same site. it is conlcuded that in properly selected patients, only direct closure of the AVF offers good long term results.