Author/Editor     Mijovič, A; Zadnik, T; Jazbec, I
Title     Acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema associated with heating and deficient nutrition
Translated title     Akutni goveji pljučni emfizem in edem v sovpadu z estrusom in pomanjkljivo prehrano molznic
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 2
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 241-6
Language     eng
Abstract     Acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edama (ABPEE) also known as "fog fever" occurs in cattle which have been moved from a dry to a lush pasture. The cause may be due to D, L-tryptophan in the forage. After the end of a long dry period in August 1994, ABPEE occurred in two dairy farms with free stall housing technology with 130-150 Holstein-Friesian cow, 6000 kg milk yield per year with law fat (3.30 %) and protein (3.0 %) content. The nutrition of the herds was unbalanced and the deficiency of minerals was also present. Within 12-24 hours after 15 cows had been inseminated, they started to show laboured breathing, diarrhea, they staggered and were reluctant to walk, the severely affected fell down. Temperature elevated slightly (39.1-39,5 degrees C). Within 24 hours 4 cowes died and others recovered. The herds had been turned on a new pasture 3-7 days before disease occurred. Haematological and biochemical investigations show haemoconcentration (RBC 8.5 x 109/L). Acute pulmonary emphysema and edema investigation. There were no indications for virological investigations. Bacteriological investigations were negative. The results suggested that heating (animals are forced) and deficiency in nutrition are som of numerous and various circumastence which influence the occurrence of ABPEE.
Summary     Neobičajne količine koncentratov v obroku so povzročile acidozo rumena s posledičnim znižanjem pH. Po vrnitvi živali na sočno pašo je ruminalna fermentacija ustvarila primerne pogoje za tolikšno delovanje 3 MI (3-methylindol). Znižanje pH zaradi menjave obroka, neprimerno krmljenje, slaba adaptacija in gonjenje so nekatere od Številnih okolnosti, ki so vplivale na pojav akutnega bovinega pljučnega emfizema in edema (ABPEE), imenovanega tudi Fog fever.