Author/Editor     Ipavec, D
Title     Spolnost in spolna vzgoja v obdobju pred rojstvom
Translated title     Sexuality and sexual education before birth
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 30, št. 5-6
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 211-4
Language     slo
Abstract     A child is an extremely sensitive being. Even the period before birth is important for the rest of his life. This period starts with the conception and proceeds through pregnancy to delivery. Further, the child's sexuality is described and linked to the sexual education of parents - characteristic for the first nine months of life. It is stated that human sexuality is a part of human nature. The finding unborn being really loves - loves inteslf. This is followed by an explanation of the sex of the future newborn, and by the finding that people often want to determine the sex of their child. Some basic fats from genetics are presented and main motives for the determination of the sex of the unborn explained. Also the role of the parents is multifaceted which is reflected in their sexual life as well. In order to avoid too many mistakes in this area, the most often ones are pointed at.
Summary     Otrok je izjemno čuteče bitje. Že predrojstveno obdobje je pomembno za vse nadaljnje življenje. Začne se s samin spočetjem in traja vso nosečnost do rojstva. V nadaljnjem besedilu opisujemo otrokovo spolnost, na katero navežemo spolno vzgojo staršev - Značilno za prvih devet mesecev življenja. Tako povemo, da je spolnost že ukoreninjen a v človekovi naravi. Ugotavljamo, da nerojeni zares ljubi - ljubi samega sebe. Poglobimo se v razlago spola bodočega novorojenca, na katero navežemo človekovo težnjo po lastni izbiri spola svojemu otroku. Tako ponovimo nekatere značilne ugotovitve s področja genetike in pojasnimo, v čem je pravzaprav glavni pomen izbire otrokovega spla. Tudi vloga staršev je večplastna, najprej pa se kaže že skozi nihovo spolno življenje. Da pa ne bi prihajalo do še vedno prevelikega števila napak na tem področju, zaključimo z opozarjanjem na najočitnejše.
Descriptors     PREGNANCY