Author/Editor     Krajnc, I; Rems, D
Title     Morbus Behcet, mukokutaner Typ - Krankheitsverlauf und Therapie bei einer Patientin
Type     članek
Source     Aktuel Rheumatol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 19, št. 4
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 128-31
Language     ger
Abstract     The one-year course of tratment of a 33-year old female patient with Behcet's disease - the mucocutaneous typ - is presented. Beside common signs such as loss of weight, increased body temperature, burning and watering eyes, the dominant signs included oral and genital ulcerations, skin and arthritis manifestations. By HLA typisation, the presence of the haplotype HLA-B12 was ascertained. The histologic findings of the cutaneous papulonecrotic lesion biopsy are also described.
Descriptors     BEHCET'S SYNDROME