Author/Editor     Žajdela, Zvone
Title     Prof. dr. Jože Rant - prvi čeljustni kirurg v Sloveniji
Translated title     M. D., Ph. D. Jože Rant - pioneer in maxillofacial surgery in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Vulikić V, Zupanič-Slavec Z, editors. Zbornik referatov Prof. dr. Jože Rant - organizator slovenskega zobozdravstva: spominski simpozij ob stoletnici rojstva prof. dr. J. Ranta z mednarodno udeležbo. 4. Pintarjevi dnevi; 1996 apr 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 67-71
Language     slo
Abstract     In his review, the autor introduces professor Rant as a maxillofacial surgeon. Doctor Jože Rant graduated from the Medical Faculty in Vienna, and thereafter worked as an assistant physician at the State Hospital in Ljubljana, where he achieved excellent performances as a member of the surgical section. In two years, he voted for specialisation in dentistry at the Institute of Dentistry at the University of Vienna. There, he made acquaintance with professor Pichler, as well as, with doctor Richard Trauner, later on, a well known professor of maxillofacial surgery in Graz, Austria. When he returned to Ljubljana, doctor Rant worked as a dentist, and performed maxillofacial surgery free of charge. In 1946, he founded the Dental Clinic and the Department of maxillofacial surgery in Ljubljana. He is considered the first maxillofacial surgeon in Slovenia.
Descriptors     SURGERY, ORAL