Author/Editor     Veselko, Matjaž; Tonin, Martin; Praprotnik, Anton
Title     Nestabilna rama
Translated title     Unstable shoulder
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 4
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 521-41
Language     slo
Abstract     Unstable shoulder is a common problem encountered most frequently in sportsmen. Modern treatment of this disorder requires solid knowledge of abnormal mechanics and pathology of unstable shoulder, which are dealt with in this paper. The diagnosis is based on clinical tests and noninvasive imaging techniques, the most widely used being ultrasound and the most useful MRI. Arthroscopy is an important tool for diagnosing and treating broad spectrum of pathologies that may either result from or cause shoulder joint instability. The author gives a detailed overview of shoulder joint abnormalities that are amenable to arthroscopic identification, but had been mostly unknown before the introduction of arthroscopy. The chief goal of conservative treatment is to strengthen dynamic stabilizer muscles of the shoulder joint, while surgical management is mostly directed towards the restoration of static stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint. Surgery is indicated in patients with severely affected static stabilizers, in whom dynamic stabilizer muscles cannot compensate for joint instability, and in subjects who have failed conservative therapy. In such cases, the therapy is selective restoration of normal joint anatomy resulting in stability and normal function of the shoulder joint.
Summary     Nestabilna rama je pogosta težava, predvsem športnikov. Sodobno zdravljenje zahteva od zdravnika poznavanje patomehanike in patologije nestabilne rame, ki sta podani v članku. Diagnozo postavimo z vrsto kliničnih testov in s pomočjo neinvazivnih slikovnih diagnostičnih metod, od katerih je pri nas najbolj razširjena ultrazvočna preiskava, najuporabnejša pa je magnetna resonanca. Artroskopija je pomembna diagnostična in terapevtska metoda, s katero lahko ugotovimo vrsto patoloških sprememb, ki so vzrok ali posledica nestabilnosti in ki jih lahko obenem artroskopsko odpravimo. Podrobnejši pregled artroskopsko ugotovljive patologije bo seznanil bralce s patologijo, ki pred uvedbo artroskopij ni bila poznana. Konzervativno zdravljenje je usmerjeno v krepitev dinamičnih stabilizatorjev ramenskega sklepa, kirurško zdravljenje pa v obnovitev statičnih stabilizatorjev glenohumeralnega sklepa. Za operativno zdravljenje se odločimo, kadar ocenimo, da je okvara statičnih stabilizatorjev tolikšna, da z dinamičnimi stabilizatorji ni mogoče kompenzirati nestabilnosti in kadar konzervativno zdravljenje ni uspešno. Potrebna je selektivna restavracija normalne sklepne anatomije, ki bo obnovila stabilnost in hkrati ohranila normalno funkcijo ramenskega sklepa.
Descriptors     SHOULDER