Author/Editor     Molan, Gregor; Molan, Marija
Title     Presentation of a model for measurement of mental work load at the working place
Type     članek
Source     In: Avallone F, Arnold J, de Witte K, editors. Feelings work in Europe. Quaderni di psicologia del lavoro. Vol 5. Milano: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e associati SpA,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 253-9
Language     eng
Abstract     We present a model of subjective estimations of work load combined with the mathematical model of connections between subjectively estimated human availability and real workers' performance. This model should be used in situations where workers' performance should be measured. We evaluated the method and model with workers with a lower level of education. Our main interest was to discover if the model 'works' in different working situtions. Previously it was evaluated with operators and guards. The presented model offers the possibility to estimate work loads, especially mental work loads in situations where the use of other methods is impossible or difficult. The great advantage of the model is the broad area of its use. Use of subjective estimations connected with the presented model offers the possibility to estimate fatigue, overload and stress in a real working situation and to prevent human error.
Descriptors     WORKPLACE