Author/Editor     Albanese, A; Granata, R; Tonali, P
Title     Animal models of parkinsonism
Translated title     Živalski modeli parkinsonizma
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. III-47-53
Language     eng
Abstract     Following the early attempts to produce parkinsonian signs and symptoms by means of discrete brain lesions, reserpine provided the first experimental model of parkinsonism in animals. The most commonly used animal models of parkinsonism are currently based on the administration of MPTP or of 6-hydroxydopamine. The first can be given either acutely, subacutely or chronically, by systemic route, by direct intracerebral injection or by intracarotid infusion. The latter is injected unilaterally or bilaterally into the nigrostriatal pathway, by stereotactic approach. These experimental models have been fully characterised histologically and biochemically. They produce alterations of anatomically and chemically identified neurons (includings the substantia nigra pars compacta), but none of them is identical to the human idiopathic disease. Correspondingly, each of these experimental approaches allows to address specific questions relevant for understanding Parkinson's disease. For example MPTP-induced parkinsonism has been used to study synaptic function in rodents or cognitive abnormalities in primates. Instead, 6-hydroxydopamine lesions provide a high degree of reproducibility and have been used to study graft-induced recovery of function. Different rating scales and behavioural responses have proposed as a measaure in different animal species for each experimental model. They are particularly useful to evaluate the effects of drugs and of other treatments on parkinsonian signs.
Summary     Živalske modele parkinsonizma so v začetnem obdobju dobivali z diskretnimi kirurškimi posegi, prvi eksperimentalni model pa je bil napravljen z rezerpinom. Danes ga nadomeščata MPTP in 6-hidroksidopamin (6-OHDA). MPTP lahko apliciramo akutno, subakutno ali kronično; sistemsko, neposredno v možgane ali pa z infuzijo v karotidno arterijo. 6-OHIDA stereotaktično injiciramo v substancijo nigro na eni strani ali na obeh straneh. Ti eksperimentalni modeli imajo znane histološke in anatomske značilnosti - spremembe anatomsko in kemično določenih nevronov (vključno s pars kompakta substancije nigre) - nobeden pa ni popolnoma enak idiopatski Parkinsonovi bolezni pri človeku. Dragoceni pa so, ker vsak od njih osvetljuje specifične probleme, ki se javljajo tudi pri idiopatskem parkinsonizmu. Model z MPTP je primeren zlasti za preučevanje sinaptičnih funkcij pri glodalcih in kognitivnih pri primatih. 6-OHDA omogoča veliko ponovljivost in ga uporabljajo pri spremljanju vsadkov. Razni modeli parkinsonizma pri raznoterih živalskih vrstah zahtevajo uporabo raznih skal in vedenjskih odzivov. Posebej so koristni za spremljanje učinkov zdravilskega in drugih oblik zdravljenj.