Author/Editor     Kobal, S; Kosec, M
Title     Macroscopic and microscopic semen properties in white New Zeland rabbits
Type     članek
Source     In: Cestnik V, Pogačnik A, editors. Referati 6. Zavrnikovega spominskega sestanka; 1995 nov 9-11; Lipica. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 155-9
Language     eng
Abstract     15 white New Zealand male rabbits aged 6 months with body weight from 2940 to 4070 g kept in laboratory conditions of breeding were used in the experiment. Using the artificial vagina 10 ejaculates of semen were collected in one week intervals. Volume, motility, mucous content, pH, density, total number of sperms in ejaculate and the percent of morphologically changed sperms were measured. The mean semen volume without mucous was from 0,27 +- 0,13 ml to 0,93 +- 0,62 ml, percent of progressively motional sperms was from 71,00 +- 5,83 to 76,67 +- 4,71%, pH values was in the range from 7,32 +- 0,25 to 8,01 +- 0,11. Semen density was in the range from 0,213 +- 0,093 to 0,370 +- 0,145 x 10/6 sperms per mm3, total number 0,056 +- 0,039 do 0,255 +- 0,197 x 10/9 sperms. Percent of morphologically changed sperms was from 12,60 +- 2,33% to 18,20 +- 6,27%. Results indicate that in laboratory conditions of breeding white New Zealand male rabbits become sexually mature in the age from 6.5 to 7 months.
Descriptors     SEMEN