Author/Editor     Pirtošek, Z; Barrett, G; Lees, AJ
Title     Cognitive neurophysiology of extrapyramidal disorders
Translated title     Kognitivna nevrofiziologija ekstrapiramidnih motenj
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. III-73-7
Language     eng
Abstract     The article reviews cognitive impairment and its electrophysiological correlates that occur in four different akineto-rigid syndromes: idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome (SRO), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and cortico-basal degeneration (CBD). Dementia and frontal deficit may be a part of IPD, and subcortical dementia is also one of the four characteristic symptoms of SRO, while global cognitive deterioration is not supposed to be an integral part of MSA or CBD. As prominent motor involvement in akineto-rigid syndromes may interfere with neuropsychological testing and reaction time (RTs) measurements, event-related potentials (ERP) can be a useful additional diagnostic tool. ERP results on 58 patients with akineto-rigid syndromes are presented. Disturbed attentional processing was present in all of them, but some eletrophysiological differences between the four disease groups were also found and could set them apart.
Summary     Podajamo pregled kognitivnih motenj in elektrofizioloških korelatov le-teh pri štirih akinetsko-rigidnih motnjah: idiopatski Parkinsonovi bolezni, sindromu Steele-Richardson-Olszewski, multipli sistemski atrofiji in kortikobazalni degeneraciji. Demenca in motnje frontalnih funkcij so lahko del klinične slike idiopatske Parkinsonove bolezni; subkortikalna demenca je prav tako eden od štirih klasičnih simptomov sindroma Steele-Richardson-Olszewski; globalni kognitivni upad pa ni značilen za multiplo sistemsko atrofijo in kortikobazalno degeneracijo. Ker lahko motena motorika pri akinetsko-rigidnih sindromih otežuje nevropsihološko testiranje in meritve reakcijskih časov, si lahko pomagamo z uporabo "kognitivnih" poznih možganskih odzivov ("eventrelated", potenciali). Poročamo o študiji takih odzivov pri 58 bolnikih z akinetsko-rigidnimi sindromi. Pri vseh smo našli motene procese pozornosti, na osnovi nekaterih elektrofizioloških značilnosti pa je bilo mogoče sindrome med seboj razlikovati.