Author/Editor     Skoberne, Mihaela
Title     Spi spokojno, mali otožni deček
Translated title     Sleep peacefully, little blue baby boy
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 3-4
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 141-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Perinatal death, whether the result of an abortion, stillbirth of death occuring shortly after birth, is a very sensitive subject, requiring a professional approach as well as compassion. Until recently, it was though that not discussing it was most helpful for the family. Today we are aware that parents have the right and the need to mourn, and the nurse in an ideal position to assist the family in the process of mourning. Within the concept of family-centered maternity care, the nurse capable of empathy adopts and individual approach to the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the women, her infant and the family. The suggestions in the article will help nurses to avoid common mistakes when interacting with grieving parents. However, these are intended to be only guidelines: the possibility of individual approach is always an alternative.
Summary     Perinatalna smrt - bodisi, da gre za splav, mrtvorojenega otroka ali otroka, ki umre kmalu po rojstvu - je zelo občutljivo področje, zato jo je potrebno obravnavati strokovno in sočustvujoče. V preteklosti so razmišljali, da je za družino najbolje, če o njej ne razpravljamo. Danes vemo, da imajo starši pravico in potrebo, da žalujejo, medicinska sestra pa ima idealno možnost, da pomaga družini v procesu žalovanja. V načrtu porodniške zdravstvene nege, usmerjene v družino medicinska sestra, ki je sposobna empatije, pristopi individualno - k telesnim emocialnim, socialnim in duhovnim potrebam ženske, njenega otroka in družine. V članku navedeni predlogi lahko pomagajo medicinskim sestram, da se izognejo splošnim napakam pri obravnavanju žalujočih staršev. Mišljeni so le kot smernic: možnost individualne izbire bo vedno obstajala.
Descriptors     INFANT MORTALITY