Author/Editor     Šibli, Tomo; Fludernik, Bogdan
Title     Operativno zdravljenje Crohnove bolezni v Celju v letih 1991 do 1995
Translated title     Surgical treatment of Crohn disease in general hospital Celje from 1991 to 1995
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. 7-8
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 391-2
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. management of Crohn's disease is mainly conservative, surgical treatment is indicated only by complications. Indications for surgery are absolute and relative. Methods. We reviewed the course of surgical treatment of nine patients in our hospital from 1991 to 1995. These patients were operated because of acute complications of Crohn's disease. Results. Eight patients were operated because of Crobn's disease of the ileocoecal region. Six times resection was made and two times bypass surgery. One patient had lesion on the sigmoid colon with multiple adhesions on short bowel: resection of the small intestine was made and resetion of the sigmoid colon with colostomy and Hartmann procedure. Conclusions. We operate mainly acute complications of Crohn's disease in Celje. By all but one this was the first treatment at all, because all the other chronically diseased patient treated by gastroenterologist were transferred to KC in Ljubljana.
Summary     Izhodišča. Zdravljenje Crohnove bolezni (CB) je predvsem konservativno, operativno zdravimo le zaplete. Indikacije za kirurško zdravljenje so absolutne in relativne. Metode. Pregledali smo potek kirurškega zdravljenja devet bolnikov v Splošni bolnišnici Celje v letih od 1991 do 1995, operiranih zaradi akutnega zapleta CB. Rezultati. Osem bolnikov smo operirali zaradi zapleta CB v ileocekalni regiji; pri dveh je bila narejena ileotransverzo premostitev, šestkrat pa resekcija obolelega ileocekalnega predela. Pri devetem bolniku sta bili zaradi patoloških sprememb na sigmoidnem kolonu in adbezij tankega črevesa narejeni resekciji tankega črevesa in sigmoidnega kolona po Hartmannu. Zaključki. V Bolnišnici Celje so bili operirani bolniki zaradi akutnih zapletov pri CB. Pri vseh bolnikih, razen pri enem, je šlo za prvo zdravljenje. Kronične bolnike, ki jih konservativno zdravijo internisti gastroenterologi v naši bolnišnici, ob zapletih preusmerijo na zdravljenje v KC Ljubljana.
Descriptors     CROHN DISEASE