Author/Editor     Šramek-Zatler, Simona; Kavčič, Boris; Balažic, Jože; Kralj, Eduard; Homan, Anton
Title     5-letna analiza obduciranih poškodovancev v prometnih nesrečah na polovični avtocesti Hoče-Arja vas, neposredni vzroki smrti
Translated title     5-year autopsy analysis ot the victims on the half-motorway Hoče-Arja vas, immediate cause of death
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. 7-8
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 429-31
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The authors have analysed the immediate causes of death on the victims of the traffic accidents on the A-10 half-motorway ("Slovenika") from 1992 to 1996 who were post mortem examined by the department of Pathology of General Hospical Celje. The analysis is based on the 40 victims post mortem examined cases. The major causes of the accidents were high speed and overtaking. The immediate cause of death in 47.5% of the cases was the rupture of the thoracic aorta. The second most frequent cause of death were head injuries. Alcoholimetric analysis of blood and urine showed that 4 drivers (33.3%) were driving under the influence of alcohol. The alcoholimetric analyses were carried out on the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana. Conclusions. The analysis of the immediate causes of death on the post mortem examined victims of the half-motorway Hoče-Arja vas from 1992 to 1996 proves that this kind of road is very dangerous because it was possible to drive very fast and to overtake on it. The head-on and lateral collisions happened on the left lane of the half-motorway as a result of overtaking. The victims suffered fatal blunt thoracic injuries and head injuries that usually occur because of high speed.
Summary     Izhodišča. Avtorji smo analizirali neposredne vzroke smrti abduciranih poškodovancev v prometnih nesrečah na polovični avtocesti Hoče-Arja vas (Slovenika ali cesta A 10) v 5-letnem obdobju od 1992 do 1996. Na Oddelku za patomorfologijo s citologijo Splošne bolnišnice Celje smo obducirali štirideset poškodovancev, udeleženih v prometnih nesrečah na Sloveniki. Glavni vzrok prometnih nesreč sta bila prevelika hitrost in prehitevanje. Neposredni vzrok smrti poškodovancev je bil v 47,5% pretrganje aorte v prsnem delu. Drugi najpogostejši neposredni vzrok smrti poškodovancev so bile poškodbe glave v 40%. Alkoholimetrična analiza je pokazala, da so štirje vozniki (33,3%) vozili pod vplivom alkohola. Alkoholimetrične analize krvi in urina obduciranih so bile opravljene na Inštitut za sodno medicino v Ljubljani. Zaključki. Analiza neposrednih vzrokov smrti obduciranih ponesrečencev v prometnih nesrečah na Sloveniki od 1992 do 1996 potrujuje, da je bila polovična avtocesta Hoče-Arja vas nevarna cesta, ki je dovoljevala velike hitrosti in spodbujala prehitevanje. Ob prehitevanju je prišlo do čelnih in bočnih trčenj osebnih vozil na levem voznem pasu in do smrtnih kompresijskih poškodb prsnega koša in poškodb glave, ki nastajajo v prometnih nesrečah pri velikih hitrostih.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC