Author/Editor     Tršinar, Bojan; Cotič, Dominik
Title     Poškodbe urogenitalnega trakta pri otrocih
Translated title     Injuries of the urogenital tract in children
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. I-41-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The urogenital injuries in children are relatively rare and their treatment is still controversal. Patients and methods. During the years 1985-1994, 20 children (18 boys and 2 girls), average age 11 years (4-8 years), were operated because of the injuries of the urogenital tract at the Urologic Clinic, Clinical Centre Ljubljana. 7 children had the injuries of the kidney, 1 boy had the rupture of the epididymis, 1 boy had the traumatic disruption of the ureteropelvic junction and 11 boys got the blow into their scrotum - 2 of them had the rupture of testis. Results. In only 1 out of 7 children with injuries of the kidney, the nephrectomy had to be done, in 2 children the partial nephrectomy and in 4 children the suttures of the renal parenchima were enough. One boy with the discruption of the ureteropelvic junction was operated according to Anderson-Hines procedure. The miscroscopic technique was used in 1 boy with the rupture of epididymis. The suttures of the testis were done in 2 boys with the rupture of testis. In 9 boys the evacuation of the haematocele or just the revision of the scrotum was done. The follow-up of the patients was from 1-51 months (average 6 months). At last control all children had no subjective troubles. The function of the injuried kidneys was good. nobody developed the arterial hypertension. One boy had the reduction of size of the injuried testis. Conclusion. The results of the operative treatment of the urogenital injuries in children are satisfactory.
Summary     Izhodišča. Poškodbe urogenitalnega trakta pri otrocih so relativno redke. Njihovo zdravljenje je še vedno neusklajeno. Bolniki in metode. V letih 1985-1994 je bilo na Urološki kliniki v Ljubljani zaradi poškodbe urogenitalnega trakta operativno zdravljenih 20 otrok (18 dečkov in 2 deklici), starih od 4 do 18 let (povprečno 11 let). Sedem poškodovancev je imelo rupturo ledvice, eden odtrganje pieloureternega segmenta, eden poškodbo obmodka, 11 pa poškodbo skrotuma - 2 od teh sta imela rupturo testisa. Rezultati. Pri enem bolniku z rupturo ledvice je bila narejena nefrektomija, pri dveh parcialna nefrektomija, pri štirih poškodovancih pa šivi ledvičnega parenhima. Pri bolniku z odtrganjem pieloureternega segmenta je bila narejena plastika po Anderson-Hinesu. Poškodovani obmodek je bil zašit z mikrokirurško tehniko. Pri dveh bolnikih je bila zašita ruptura testisa, pri ostalih devetih pa je bila izpraznjena hematokela oziroma napravljena revizija skrotuma. Postoperativno sledenje bolnikov je bilo enega do 51 mesecev (povrečno 6 mesecev). Na zadnji kontroli so bili vsi bolniki subjektivno brez posebnih težav s strani sečil. Funkcija poškodovanih ledvic je bila ohranjena. Nihče od poškodovancev ni imel povišanega krvnega tlaka, en otrok je imel izrazito zmanjšanje poškodovanega in zašitega testisa. Zaključki. na osnovi naših rezultatov lahko rečemo, da operativno zdraljenje poškodb urogenitalnega trakta pri otrocih daje dobre rezultate.