Author/Editor     Kovačev, Asja Nina
Title     Zametki sebstva v najzgodnješih življenjskih obdobjih
Translated title     Self-origins in the earliest life periods
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29, št. 1-3
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 342-53
Language     slo
Abstract     The origin of the self is formed very early. in the first phase of early childhood it is determined by the self-organized biological activity of the newborn. A pretty considerable social sensitivity is noticable, as well. In the next developmental phase the child experiences himself as the subject of his own activity. The reactions of the social environment to his acts are very important. Communication and cooperation with the mother are of decisive importance. The third phase of early childhood is characterized by a clear differentiation between oneself and others. This is considered a necessary condition for self-reflection and the appearance of "self-as-object". Self development is continued in middle and late childhood. In the pre-school period the undifferentiated, impulsive self is formed. This is followed by the formation of the opportunistic self, which coincides with the child's socialization and acculturation. The acknowledgement of the child's autonomy and competence is decisive for further self-development.
Descriptors     SELF CONCEPT