Author/Editor     Peterlin, Borut
Title     Genska tehnologija: pomen za diagnostiko in zdravljenje bolezni pri človeku
Translated title     Gene technology: implications for diagnosis and therapy of human diseases
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. 10
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 515-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The possibilities of specific diagnosis, medical evaluation of patients and the prevention of genetically determined diseases have improved significantly since the introduction of the molecular genetic methods. Different strategies of gene therapy enable the clinicans not only to approach to the therapy of monogenic disease but also to many other comon diseases, such as cancer and infectious diseases. The methods of molecular genetics have brought new issues which are primarily to be solved by the individual undergoing these new diagnostic and therapeutic methods in agreement with the legislation, regulating the issues within the society.
Summary     Metode molekularne genetike so pomembno izboljšale možnosti diagnosticiranja, obravnave in preprečevanja genetsko pogojenih bolezni pri človeku. Različne strategije genetskega zdravljenja omogočajo pristop k zdravljenju ne samo monogenskih genetskih bolezni, temveč tudi drugih pogostih bolezni, kot so rakave in nalezljive bolezni. Nova metodologija sooča posameznike in civilizacijo z novimi vprašanji, do katerih se mora opredeliti družba, predvsem pa posamezniki novih diagnostičnih in terapevtskih možnosti.