Author/Editor     Skok, Pavel
Title     Zasevni jetrni gastrinom
Translated title     Gastrinoma of the liver
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 1
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 109-16
Language     slo
Abstract     The gastrinoma was first described by the surgeons Zollinger and Ellison in 1955. The basic characteristics of this disese include an endocrine gastrin-secreting tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric hypersecretion and recurrent gastric, duodenal and jejunal ulcers. The author reports on a 49-year-old female patient in whom a duodenal ulcer and two liver tumors, 10 and 6 cm in diameter, involving the right and the left lobe, respectively, were diagnosed in 1983. A liver biopsy specimen, obtained during explorative laparotomy, was defined histological as a metastatic small-cell epithelial tumor with an organoid endocrine pattern. Its morphological pattern was that of a tumor of series. A gatrinoma was verified by immunohistochemical staining. Serum gastrin levels exceeded the normal range by 10 times. The patient refused any further treatment. In the following years, she received several conservative treatments for sequelae of ther ulcer disease. For the past three years she has been treated on an out-patient basis, mostly for chronic diarrhea.
Summary     Gastrinom je tumor, ki sta ga prvič opisala kirurga Zollinger in Ellison leta 1955. osnovna značilnost te bolezni je endokrini tumor prebavil, ki izloča gastrin, prekomerno izločanje želodčnega soka in ponavljajoče se razjede želodca, dvanajstnika in začetnega dela tankega črevesa. Prikazan je primer 49-letne bolnice, pri kateri smo leta 1982 ugotovili dva jetrna tumorja, velika 10 in 6 cm, ležeča v desnem in levem jetrnem režnju, in razjede dvanajstnika. Ob eksplorativni laparatomiji je bil odvzet vzorec jetrnega tkiva, ki je bil patohistološko opredeljen kot metastatičen, drobnocelični epiteljski tumor z organoidnim endokrinim vzorcem, ki je morfološko ustrezal tumorjem serije APUD. Z imunohistokemičnimi barvanji smo dokazali gastrinom. Vrednosti gastrina v serumu so 10-krat presegale normalne vrednosti. Bolnica je odklonila vse oblike nadaljnjega zdravljenja. V naslednjih letih smo jo večkrat zdravili konzervativno zaradi zapletov razjed. Zadnja tri leta jo zdravimo ambulantno zaradi vztrajnih drisk.