Author/Editor     Košir, Tone
Title     Organizacija zdravstvenega varstva starih
Translated title     Organization of health care for the aged people
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 9-10
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 293-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Law on Health Services in our country does not mention a special organizational form or professional service on primary, secondary or tertiary level of health activity for the implementation of health care for aged people, in the past there was a Clinic for gerontology and geriatrics and some geriatric units in individual Health Care Centres. After the year 1990 the number of geriatric units has been decreasing and at the time being only two are active, while the units for combatants have evolved into out-patient clinics for general medicine. From the year 1991 on we do not follow up any more separated statistical reports for health care of combatants as they have merged with the reports of general medicine. Law on Health Care and Health Insurance does not contain does not contatin special provisions which would refer directly to the health care of the aged, members in the partnership of the insured person. Parents do not. In the Directives for the implementation of preventive health care, preventive examinations of adults are included, too. In Regulations on Compulsory Health Insurance, these examinations are intended for persons aged 25 years and more, therefore also for aged people. In the National programme of Health Care, the health protecion of the aged is defined in a special chapter. its aim is to ensure them an independent life as long as possible in a familiar environment, especially in their own family. The capacities of social institutions are not meont only for the aged but also for the invalids younger than 65 years. In those institutions ther are the general practice ambulances and they work as a part of Health Core Centres. General practitioner resp. family doctor needs for his/her work knowledge and training on the domain of gerontology and geriatrics, therefore it should be included into under- and postgraduate programmes of supplementary education and professional training.
Summary     Zakon o zdravstveni dejavnosti v naši državi ne omenja posebne organizacijske oblike ali strokovne službe za izvajanje zdravstvenega varstva starejših oseb. V preteklosti smo imeli Kliniko za gerontologijo in geriatrijo in nekaj geriatričnih dispanzerjev v posameznih zdravstvenih domovih. Po letu 1990 se Število gerontoloških dispanzerjev zmanjšuje in ta čas delujeta le še dva, dispanzerji za borce pa so prerasli v ambulante splošne medicine. Zakon o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju nima posebnih določil, ki bi se nanašali neposredno na zdravstveno varstvo starostnikov. V Navodila za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva pa so vključeni tudi preventivni pregledi odraslih. V Pravilih obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja so namenjeni ljudem, starim 25 let in več, torej tudi starostnikom. V nacionalnem programu zdravstvenega varstva je varovanju zdravja ostarelih namenjeno posebno poglavje, ki je usmerjeno v omogočanje čim daljšega neodvisnega življenja v okolju, ki so ga navajeni, predvsem v krogu svoje družine. Zmogljivosti socialnih zavodov niso namenjene samo starostnikom ampak tudi invalidom, mlajšim od 65 let. V teh zavodih delujejo ambulante splošne medicine kot del zdravstvenega doma. Zdravniki splošne oziroma družinske medicine zato potrebujejo pri svojem delu znanje in usposobljenost s področja gerontologije in geriatrije, zato jih je treba vključiti v pred- in podiplomske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja.