Author/Editor     Božiček, Franci
Title     Stari ljudje doma in družinski zdravnik
Translated title     Elderly people at home and family doctor
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 9-10
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 297-301
Language     slo
Abstract     Elderly people and their families at home are described from the viewpoint of family doctor. The significance of home, family and mutual benevolence for the health of elderly people is stressed. Although problems of aged people do not always concern health state, they frequently occur with a disease. Doctor's treatment is manysided and involves whole relationship between doctor and family. Family doctor also collaborates with different specialists and the solution of aged patient's problematics is somewhat easier at home. Presented is the need for an adequate main carer of the debilitated elderly at home and the reasonableness of family doctor's work with such a patient, who should help him/her live at home during the time of well-being and disease as well as he can untill the patient dies. There always remains a possibility, however, to shelter such an aged person in the Home for elderly people or similar institution. Some concrete problems met by family doctor are discussed and some demographic data and inquiry results are shown to demonstrate the relation of people fowards the elderly person and the significance which is attributed to individual professionals at solving old age problems.
Summary     Članek obravnava stare ljudi in njihove družine na domu, z vidika družinskega zdravnika. Poudarja pomen doma, družine in medsebojne naklonjenosti v njej za zdravje starih ljudi. Problemi starih ljudi niso le zdravstveni, a se pogosto kažejo z boleznijo. Njihova obravnava na domu s strani zdravnika je večplastna in zajema celotni odnos do njih in družine. Zdravnik sodeluje pri zdravstveni oskrbi starostnikov z različnimi strokovnjaki. Na domu lažje najde za reŠevanje problematike starega človeka in njegovo družino, optimalno rešitev. Nakazuje potrebo po ustreznem glavnem skrbniku obnemoglega starostnika in smisel dela družinskega zdravnika s starim človekom, ki je v tem, da mu pomaga čim bolj znosno v zdravju in bolezni živeti doma, kjer naj bi v okolju svoje družine tudi umrl. Dopušča pa možnost, da je za nekatere tudi dom kot ustanova ali kakšna druga rešitev problema v sili morda le smiselna. Prikazani so nekateri konrektni problemi, s katerimi se avtor srečuje, nekateri podatki iz demografije in rezultati vprašalnika, ki kaže odnos tamkajšnjih ljudi do starih, ter pomen, ki ga ljudje tam pripisujejo posameznim strokovnjakom pri reševanju problemov starostnika.
Descriptors     FAMILY