Author/Editor     Ulaga, Drago
Title     Šport in rekreacija v starosti
Translated title     Sport and recreation in old age
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 9-10
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 388-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Physical activity is for the human being an every day necessity as are the food and night rest. "Work mantains the organs" is the truth to be considered in all life periods. It goes for brain, heart and blood vessels, skeletal muscles and other organs. Brain needs mental exercises (study, chess), while heart and vessels profit especially from aerobics and skeletal muscles from gymnastics (morning exercises), sport recreaton, work in the garden and the like. Adequate sports for elderly people are: walk, joging, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, bowling, ninepins, volleyball, tennis, dance. "An everyday walk but not to the point of tiredness" is a general recommendation. At the same time sport should be the source of relaxation, socializnig, self-confidence and a pleasant activity for the maintenance of optimal psychophysical condition. All physical performances should be suitable as every exaggeration could be harmful. Risky physical exercises are not appropriate for elderly people (falls!) therefore they should abandon alpine skiing on demanding slopes, acrobatics and on general all risky exercises. Frequent rests are necessary during exercises. From time to time (every second or third day), however, a somewhat more fatiguing exercise is reasonable.
Summary     Človek je potreben telesnega gibanja vsak dan, prav tako, kakor je potreben hrane in nočnega počitka. "Delo ohranja organe" je resnica, ki jo moramo upoštevati v vseh obdobjih življenja. To velja za možgane, srce z ožiljem, skeletne mišice in druge organe. Za možgane so potrebne umske obremenitve (študij, šah), za srce in ožilje zlasti aerobne vaje, za skeletne mišice pa gimnastika (jutranje razgibavanje), športna rekreacija, delo na vrtu in podobno. Primerne športne panoge za starostnike so: hoja v naravi, lahkotno tekanje, kolesarjenje, plavanje, sprehajalno smučanje, balinanje, kegljanje, odbojka, tenis, ples. "Vsak dan na sprehod, vendar ne do utrujenosti", je priporočilo za vse. Šport naj bo hkrati vir sprostitve, družabnosti, potrjevanje samega sebe, posebno pa prijetna aktivnost za vzdrževanje optimalne psihofizične kondicije. Gibalne naloge naj bodo primerne, sleherno pretiravanje je škodljivo. Za starostnike niso tvegane telesne vaje (verjetnost padanja!), zato naj se odpovedo alpskemu smučanju na zahtevnih strminah, akrobatiki in sploh vsem nevarnim vajam. Med vadbo so potrebni pogosti odmori. Načeloma naj bo postopna in tudi razvedrilna. Kaj pa kdaj (če je mogoče vsak dan ali tretji dan) pa se je le treba malo potruditi.
Descriptors     SPORTS