Author/Editor     Sedmak, M
Title     Ehinokokoza v začetni fazi - ali je zdravljenje umestno?
Translated title     Echinococcal infection in the initial phase: is treatment justified?
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 1-2
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 21-2
Language     slo
Abstract     Conservative treatment of hydatid disease is not always successful. A literature search has revealed no reports of treatment in the early phase, before a detectable hydatid cyst has formed. A case of echinococcal infection in a two- year-old girl with clinically apparent and histologically confirmed coeliac disease is presented. The girl will have to e followed by ultrasonography and serologic tests for several years.
Summary     Konzervativno zdravljenje hidatidne cistične bolezni ni vedno uspešno. V literaturi nismo zasledili opisov zdravljenja ehinokokne okužbe v začetni fazi, še preden diagnosticiramo tvorbo ciste. Opisujemo primer 2-letne deklice s klinično izraženo in histološko potrjeno celiakijo, ki se je okužila s trakuljo. Pri deklici bo potrebno večkratno ultrazvočno sledenje in sledenje seroloških testov.
Descriptors     ECHINOCOCCOSIS