Author/Editor     Munih, Jolanda; Grbec-Simončič, Vera
Title     Zdravstvena nega pri okužbi s HIV
Translated title     Nursing and HIV infection
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. Suppl
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 221-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Nursing is one of the disciplines in the health care system that is providing care for HIV positive persons with the main aim to improve their quality of life. The most important rules in nursing are assessing patients' needs and providing adequate nursing care. HIV infection has a big impact on nursing care and nurses as individuals. This is mostly because of its way of spreading, chronicity and the attitudes which the community expresses about the infection and those infected.
Summary     Zdravstvena nega je ena od strok v zdravstvu, ki se ukvarja s problemi HIV-pozitivnih bolnikov in je usmerjena v dve kakovosti življenja. Njene naloge so predvsem ugotavljanje bolnikovih psihofizičnih in socialnih problemov in potreb in zadovoljevanje le-teh. HIV-okužba ima zaradi načina prenosa, poteka bolezni in odnosa družbe do okužbe in okuženih velik vpliv na izvajanje zdravstvene nege, preprečevanje prenosa okužbe in na medicinske sestre kot posameznice.
Descriptors     HIV INFECTIONS