Author/Editor     Kocmur, Marga
Title     Attitudes toward suicide - are they really different in different cultures?
Type     članek
Source     Psychiatr Danub
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 11-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Some general remarks about death and fear from death are discussed as well as our mixed responses toward the attempts to circumvent death or to prolong life. We give an overview about the concept of attitude and its changes through the history. Some questions about methodological and conceptual limitations of today's concenpt of attitude are raised, especially those stemming from the relationship of attitude and behavior. Some studies specifically related to the problem of attitudes toward suicide and suicidal behavior are surveyed. From them we can hardly make any conclusions about the similarities and differences regarding attitudes toward suicide in different cultures. However, we conclude that there is still enough evidence that this line of research is worthwile to continue.
Descriptors     SUICIDE