Author/Editor     Ban, Helena
Title     Vpliv histeroskopske odstranitve pregrade maternice na zanositev in nosečnost
Translated title     Influence of hysteroscopic resection of septate uterus on reproductive prognosis and pregnancy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 3
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 317-28
Language     slo
Abstract     Septate uterus is one of the cogenital abnormalities that causes the most problems. It is frequently the cause of spontaneous abortion, preterm labour, malpresentation or intrauterine growth retardation. Recently, hysteroscopic resection has been used to correction of this uterine malformation. The aim of the study was to determine how hysteroscopic metroplasty affects the capacity to conceive in women with a history of spontaneous abortions, and in previously infertile women. We studied the course of pregnancy and labour, and the neonatal outcome in women who conceived after hyster scopic metroplasty and in a control group without congenital anomalies of Muellerian system. Our retrospective study included 85 women treated by hysteroscopic metroplasty at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ljubljana between l5th February 1993 and 30th June 1995. 94 % of women with previous spontaneous abortions and 55 % of women with of history of infertility became pregnant 12 to 24 months after hysteroscopic metroplasty, the overall number of pregnancy in both groups being 47 pregnancies. In 21 women (45 %) pregnancy ended in term delivery, in 2 (4 %) in preterm delivery, and in 6 (13 %) in spontaneous abortion. 3 (6 %) women had extrauterine pregnancy. At the time of the study 15 (32 a/o) pregnancies were still ongoing. No differences were found between the study group of 23 women who delivered after hysteroscopic metroplasty and the control group of 46 women without uterine anoalies as conserns the rate of complications during pregnancy and the caesarean sections, neonatal outcome, birth weight, Apgar scores and other perinatala parameters. In the study group, there were only caphalic presenations. The results prove that hysteroscopic metroplasty does not affect the capasity to consive in women with a hitory of spontaneous abortions, and that it has a beneficial effect on reproductive outcome in infertile women. (Abstract truncated at 2ooo characters).
Summary     Pregrada v maternici je ena od razvojnih nepravilnosti maternice, ki povzroča največ težav Pogosto je vzrok spontanim splavom, prezgodnjim porodom, nepravilni legi ploda v maternici, zastoju rasti ali celo smrti ploda v maternici. V zadnjih letih se je za odstranitev pregrade v maternici začela uporabljati histeroskopska resekcija. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali histeroskopska resekcija pregrade v maternici (HRPM) spremeni zmožnost zanositve v skupini žensk, ki so imele pred HRPM spontane splave, ter v skupini predhodno neplodnih žensk. Pri tistih, ki so po HRPM zanosile, smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se potek in izid nosečnosti ter poroda razlikuje od nosečnosti in poroda žensk, ki nimajo prirojenih nepravilnosti matemice. Raziskava je bila retrospektivna. Vanjo smo vključili 85 žensk, pri katerih je bila med 15.2.1993 in 30. 6.1995 na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani narejena histeroskopska resekcija pregrade v maternici. 94 % žensk s predhodnimi spontanimi splavi in 55 % predhodno neplodnih žensk je zanosilo v 12 do 24 mesecih po HRPM. Skupaj je bilo 47 nosečnosti. Enaindvajset (45 a/o) žensk je rodilo ob roku, dve (4 %) sta imeli prezgodnji porod, šest (13 %) žensk je spontano splavilo, tri (6 %) pa so zanosile izvenmaternično. V času raziskave je bilo 15 (32 %) nosečnosti še v teku. V zapletih v nosečnosti ni bilo razlik med študijsko in kontrolno skupino 46 žensk iz normalne populacije. Med skupinama ni bilo razlik v deležu carskih rezov. Vsi porodi po HRPM so bili v glavični vstavi. Med novorojenčki študijske in kontrolne skupine ni bilo razlik v porodni teži, ocenah po Apgarjevi in drugih perinatalnih kazalcih. Raziskava je pokazala, da HRPM ne spremeni sposobnosti zanositve pri ženskah, ki so imele spotnane splave. Pri neplodnih ženskah, ki so imele spotanen splave. Pri neplodnih ženskah na zanositve vpliva ugodno. HRPM izboljša izid nosečnosti ter omogoči ženski normalen potek nosečnosti ter normalen potek in izid poroda.
Descriptors     UTERUS