Author/Editor     Chwatal, Nadja; Kaplan-Pavlovčič, Staša
Title     Testi za ugotavljanje renovaskularne hipertenzije
Translated title     Tests for detecting renovascular hypertension
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 3
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 363-78
Language     slo
Abstract     Renovascular hypertension is the most common potentially curable form of arteria hypertension. It occurs as a result of insufficent perfusion of renal tissue, secondary to haemodynamically significant stenosis of the renal artery or its branches. Early diagnosis is of primary importance in patients with renovascular hypertension as timely treatment by percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty or surgical revascularization may afford definitive cure or at least improvement of renovascular hypertension and thus prevent further deterioration of renal function. A number of tests for detection of renovascular hypertension are available, yet their accuracy rate is fairly low. An ideal screening test for renovascular hypertension should not only identify the presence and location of renal artery stenosis, but should also determine its haemodynamical significance. Finally, the paper presents the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension, and describes the available screening tests and the algorithm used in patients with suspected renovascular hypertension.
Summary     Renovaskularna hipertenzija je najpogostejša ozdravljiva oblika arterijske hipertenzije. Nastane zaradi zmanjšane perfuzije ledvičnega tkiva, ki je posledica hemodinamsko pomembne zočitve ledvične arterije in/ali njenih vej. Zgodnja diagnoza renovaskularne hipertenzije je pomembna, ker lahko s pravočasnim zdravljenjem s perkutano transluminalno renalno angioplatiko ali operativno revaskularizacijo ozdravimo oziroma izboljšamo hipertenzijo in preprečimo slabšanje ledvične funkcije. Za prepoznavanje bolnikov z renovaskularno hipertenzijo imamo številne diagnostične teste, vendar noben ni dovolj zanesljiv. Idealen presejalni test bi moral sočasno ugotoviti prisotnost, mesto in hemodinamsko pomembnost zožitve ledvične arterije. V članku so opisani patogeneza in testi za ugotavljenje renovaskularne hipertenzije. Prikazane so prednosti in pomanjkljivosti posameznih presejalnih testov ter algoritem odkrivanja in zdravljenja, ki ga uporabljamo pri bolniku s kliničnim sumom na renovaskularno hipertenzijo.