Author/Editor     Zagoričnik, B
Title     Kopelna PUVA terapija
Translated title     PUVA bath therapy
Type     članek
Source     In: Kansky A, Kralj B, Lunder T, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj Simpozija za zdravnike splošne medicine. 4. Kogojevi dnevi; 1996 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Dermatovenerološka klinika,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 209-15
Language     slo
Abstract     PUVA therapy has been successfully used for treating different dermatoses for almost twenty years. In the last few years PUVA bath therapy has proven to be an alternative form of PUVA in which the psoralen is delivered highly diluted in bath water prior to UVA treatment. The indications for the use of this therapy are certain forms of psoriasis. PUVA smaller number of treatments are necessary for successful therapy. The total UVA dose is smaller and the acute and chronic side effects are less frequent and less expressed with PUVA bath therapy.
Descriptors     PSORIASIS