Author/Editor     Zadnik, T; Klinkon, Martina
Title     The effect of different protein feed intake on blood, rumen fluid and milk composition in dairy cows
Translated title     Vpliv različnega beljakovinskega obroka na parametre krvi, vampovega soka in mleka pri molznicah
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 183-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Over the period of one month, the dietary energy and protein low ration was supplemented with corn grains and soybeans, respectively. Some blood, rumen fluid and milk parameters were analyzed. Hower, a uniform conclusion was difficult to carry out though certain very interesting findings have been made. Contrary to our expectations, the supplementation of corn grains and soybeans respectively did not ignificantly affect the observed parameters. The duration of the experiment (one month) has on the other hand more or less significantly affected the concentration of mean pH values, VFA, acetic acid, butyric acid in the rumen fluid and lactose in milk. Among differently fed groups of animals there were practically no statistically significant differences with the exception of the ammonia concentration. The said concentration supplements have statistically insignificantly affected the higher concentration of VFA, acetic and lower concentration of propionic and butyric acid as well as pH concentration. Soybean supplementation has statistically significantly influenced the higher urea concentration in milk. The mean protein concentration in milk has also increased as a result of the two supplements, yet statistically insignificantly. The obtained results indicate (and at the time confirm data from the literature) that the nutrition of the dairy cows is a very important, though not the sole factor influencing the blood, rumen fluid and milk composition.
Summary     En mesec smo krmnemu obroku, ki je bil energetsko in beljakovinsko reven, skupini molznic dodajali mleto koruzo (1kg/krava/dan), drugi skupini pa sojo (1 kg/krava/dan). V tem času smo v laboratoriju analizirali parametre krvi, vampovega soka in mleka. V nasprotju z našimi pričakovanji sam dodatek koruze in soje ni statistično pomembno vplival na analizirane parametre. Čas trajanja poskusa (en mesec) pa je bolj ali manj signifikantno vplival na povprečne vrednosti pH, VFA, ocetne in maslene kisline v vampovem soku in laktoze v mleku. V tem času sta se povrečni vrednosti VFA in ocetne kisline statistično nepomembno povečali, zmanjšale pa so se povprečna pH vrednost vampovega soka in koncentracija maslene ter propionske kisline. Dodatek soje je statistično pomembno vplival na povprečne vsebnosti uree v mleku. Tudi vsebnost beljakovin v mleku se je zaradi dodatka koruze in soje povečala, vendar statistično nepomembno. Dobljeni rezultati nakazujejo, da je prehrana molznic pomemben dejavnik, vendar ni edini, ki bi vplival na vsebnost parametrov krvi, vampovega soka in mleka.
Descriptors     ANIMAL FEED