Author/Editor     Klinkon, Martina; Zadnik, T
Title     Bela krvna slika v obporodnem obdobju pri črno-belih molznicah
Translated title     White blood cell picture during around partum period in black and white dairy cows
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 191-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In veterinary medicine hematological examinations present an effective tool in monitoring the nutrition and health status of animals. We investigated the white blood cell picture during the around partum period in white-black cows. Blood samples were taken in 60 dairy cows 10 days before partum, at partum and 1., 2., 3. and 4. days postpartum. Determined were leukocyte counts and differential white blood cell counts (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes). The examination of statistical results revealed that the values of the white blood counts taken at the time of partum were most significantly outstanding. The highest leukocytes counts was established at the time of partum (9.25+-3.53x10 9/1). It was statistically significantly (P<0.001) higher in comparisonto mean values of L obtained from the 3. day postpartum onwards. At the time of partum also the highest mean percent of segmented neutrophils (54.27+-14.1%). was established; it was statistically significantly higher (P<0.001) than the values obtained by all four other blood samplings after partum. At partum the lowest mean percent of eosinophiles (4.42+-4.10%) was established; it was statistically significantly lower (P<0.001) in comparison to mean values obtained 1 day before partum (8.88+-4.24%) and 1 day (8.05+-6.04%) and 2 days (7.95=-5.24%) postpartum. During partum a statistically significant (P<0.001) lowest mean percent of lymphocytes (36.85+-12.06%) was found. However, the around partum period did not statistically significantly effect the counts of basophils (P<0.51113), band neutrophils (P<0.7639) and monocytes (P<0.0986).
Summary     Hematološke preiskave so v veterinarski medicini učinkovit pripomoček pri nadzoru presnovnega profila in zdravstvenega stanja živali. V pričujočem delu smo raziskovali belo krvno sliko pri molznicah črno-bele pasme v obporodnem obdobju. Krvne vzorce smo odvzeli 60 molznicam deset dni pred porodom, ob porodu in še prvi, drugi, tretji in četrti dan po porodu. V krvi smo določali število levkocitov (L) ter diferencialno belo krvno sliko (eozinofilne, bazofilne, nevtrofilne ter paličaste levkocite, limfocite in monocite). Ob pregledu statističnih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da najbolj izstopajo vrednosti parametrov bele krvne slike, ugotovljene v času poroda. Največje število levkocitov (L) smo ugotovili ob porodu (9,25+-3,53x10 9/1). Bilo je statistično pomembno (P<0,0001) večje od povprečne vrednosti L, dobljenih od tretjega dneva po porodu dalje. Ob porodu smo ugotovili tudi največji povprečni odstotek segmentiranih nevtrofilov (54,27+-14,1%); bil je statistično pomembno večji (P<0,0001) od vrednosti, dobljenih v vseh ostalih štirih odvzemih po porodu. Ob porodu pa smo ugotovili tudi najmanjši povprečni odstotek eozinofilnih granulocitov (4,42+-4,10%), ki je bil statistično pomembno manjši (P<0,0001) od povprečnih vrednosti, dobljenih dan pred porodom (8,88+-4,24%) ter prvi (8,05+-6,04%) in drugi (7,95+-5,24%) dan po porodu. V času poroda smo ugotovili tudi statistično pomembno (P<0,0001) najnižji povprečni odstotek limfocitov (36,85+-12,06%). Obporodno obdobje pa ni statistično pomembno vplivalo na število bazofilnih granulocitov (P<0,5113), paličastih nevtrofilov (P<0,7639) in monocitov (P<0,0986).
Descriptors     LABOR