Author/Editor     Lešnik, Mario
Title     S povečanjem intenzivnosti pridelovanja povzročene spremembe v segetalni združbi Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 37 na območju Dravskega in Ptujskega polja
Translated title     Changes in the segetal weed community Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 37 caused by intensification of crop production on territory of Dravsko and Ptujsko polje (NE Slovenia)
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 2-3
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 61-75
Language     slo
Abstract     This paper reports on changes in the segetal weed community Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 37, caused by intensification of crop production (i.e. increase of fertilizing level, chemical weed control, soil ameliorating and frequent tillage) on territory of Dravsko and Ptujsko polje. The changes are presented by comparing phytocoenological releves taken by Braun-Blanquet method in the fields were corn was growing according to a traditional method and in the fields where the intensive crop production was applied. The results are presented in phytocoenological tables for both groups of field separately. The described weed communitiy is the most widespread segetal weed community in the investigated area. According to differences in the habitats in which this community can spred, four different subassociations were found: typicum Oberd. 57, scleranthetosum Oberd. 57, polygnotosum hydropiperis Holzner 73 and legousietosum Holzner 73. The community is primarily composed of 30 weed species but in all subassociations 110 species were found.
Summary     Prispevek obravnava spremembe v floristični sestavi segetalne združbe Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 37, povzročene s povečanjem intenzivnosti pridelovanja poljščin. Spremembe so prikazane s pomočjo primerjav med standardnimi fitocenološkimi popisi po Braun-Blanquetovi metodi, narejenimi na njivah z ekstenzivnim oziroma intenzivnim načinom pridelovanja. Rezultati raziskav pri obeh načinih pridelovanja so ločeno prikazani v fitocenoloških tabelah. Omenjena združba je prevladujoča segetalna združba na njivah Dravskega in Ptujskega polja v severovzhodni Sloveniji. Glede na razlike med rastišči, na katerih se združba lahko razvija, smo ločili naslednje 4 subasociacije: scleranthetosum Obred. 57, polygonetosum hydropiperis Holzner 73, legousietosum Holzner 73 in typicum Oberd. 57. Osnovne sestoje združbe sestavlja 30 plevelnih vrst, v vseh subasociacijah skupaj pa je bilo zastopanih 110 vrst.
Descriptors     PLANTS