Author/Editor     Rakovec-Felser, Zlatka; Gorišek, Borut
Title     Psihosocialna obremenjenost bolnic z ginekološkim malignomom
Translated title     Psychological burdening of patients with gynecologic malignoma
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 1-2
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 5-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Each and especially chronic physical disease essentially influences the quality of individual life. It does not only de- stroy and changes hislher family, partner, professional, social and other qualities, but also saps the safety feelings of the individual and fills himlher with uncertainty and fear. One of such situations that is manysidedly burdening for the individual is doubtless the situation when the patient faces a disease, such as cancer. We wish to present this very problematic. Besides the burdening situation of female patients, operated due to gynecologic malignoma, we wish to present at the same time also their defence reactions and their ways of tackling these burdens. The presentation of relevant research is made and was performed in 51 female patients in the years 1987-1990. Added are data regarding the disease outcome aher 10 years since the identification and treatment of the disease. Within the group of S 1 female patients with different conditions, only those female patients were selected, where a comparison is possible regarding diagnosis and stage of the disease. Separately, the way of tackling, defence behaviour and the outcome of the disease in these 16 female patients are also presented.
Summary     Vsaka, zlasti še kronična telesna bolezen, bistveno poseže v kakovost posameznikovega življenja. Spodjeda in spreminja ne le posameznikove družinske, partnerske, poklicne, družabne in druge navade, pač pa načenja tudi njegove občutke varnosti ter ga napolni z negotovostjo in s strahom. Ena od takšnih bolezenskih situacij, ki posameznika večplastno obremeni, je nedvomno tudi situacija, ko se bolnik sooča z boleznijo, kakšna je rak. V svojem prispevku želimo predstaviti prav to problematiko. Razen obremenilne situacije bolnic, operiranih zaradi ginekološkega malignoma, nameravamo hkrati predstaviti še njihove obrambne reakcije ter tudi njihov način spoprijemanja z obremenitvami. Na naslednjih straneh predstavljamo torej raziskavo, ki smo jo pri 51 bolnicah opravili v letih 1987-1990. K temu dodajamo podatke v zvezi z izidom bolezni in sicer po 10.letih od odkritja in zdravljenja bolezni. Znotraj skupine 51 bolnic z različnim bolezenskim stanjem smo obdrali le bolnice, pri katerih je glede na diagnozo in stanj bolezni možna primerjava. Posebej predstavlkjamo tudi način spoprijemanja in obrambo vedenje ter razplet bolezenske situacije teh, 16 bolnic.