Author/Editor     Breskvar, Ljubo; Cerar, Anton
Title     A role of gender in the occurrence of dimethylhydrazine induced colorectal tumors in Wistar rats
Translated title     Vpliv spola na indukcijo debeločrevesnega karcinoma z 1,2-dimetilhidrazinom (DMH) pri podganah Wistar
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 4
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 374-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Human colorectal carcinoma appears more frequently in males. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of gender on the induction of colorectal carcinoma by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in Wistar rats. Sixty Wistar rats (30 males, 30 females) were subjected to weekly subcutanous injections of DMH (20 mg/kg) for 15 weeks. After 25 weeks from the beginning of the experiment the animals were sacrificed and autopsied. All macroscopical lesions were evaluated histologicaly. Induction of colorectal tumors succeeded in 37% of males and 17% of females. There were 21 tumors of the large bowel found, of these 15 in males and 6 in females. Histologically, males had 11 adenomas, 2 signet-cell carcinomas and 2 adenocarcinomas, while females had 4 signet-cell carcinomas and 2 adenomas. We also found extracolonic tumors, mainly those of the small intestine and of the Zymbal glands. Wistar rats showed lower incidence of DMH-induced colorectal tumors in comparison with other strains of rats. The gender-dependent difference in the incidence of colorectal tumors was found to be statistically marginally significant (p<0.08), whereas the difference in the incidence of all induced tumors between genders was significant (p<0.02). Males showed a greater incidence of coloreactal tumors and also a greater histological resemblance to human colorectal tumors than females. That is why we recommend Wistar males rather than females for research on colorectal tumors.
Summary     Pri ljudeh je karcinom debelega črevesa pogostejši pri moških. Namen naše raziskave je oceniti vpliv spola na indukcijo debeločrevesnega karcinoma z 1,2-dimetilhidrazinom (DMH) pri podganah Wistar. Uporabili smo 60 podgan seva Wistar (30 samcev, 30 samic), ki so jim 1-krat tedensko podkožno vbrizgali 20 mg DMH/kg telesne teže. Injicirali smo 15-krat. Po 25-ih tednih od začetka poskusa smo živali žrtvovali in jih obducirali. Vse makroskopske lezije smo histološko ovrednotili. Indukcija debeločrevesnih tumorjev je uspela pri 37% samcev in pri 17% samic. Našli smo 21 tumorjev debelega črevesa in danke: 15 tumorjev pri samcih in 6 pri samicah. Histološko smo pri samcih našli 11 adenokarcinomov, 2 pečatnocelična karcinoma in 2 adenoma, pri samicah pa 4 pečatnocelične karcinoma in 2 adenoma. Našli smo tudi tumorje izven debelega črevesa, predvsem tumorje tankega črevesa in Zymbalovih žlez. Podgane seva Wistar so v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi sevi podgan kazale manjšo pojavnost kolorektalnih tumorjev po indukciji z DMH. Razlika med spoloma v pojavnosti tumorjev v debelem črevesu in danki se je pokazala kot statistično majna (p < 0,08), statistično značilno razliko med spoloma pa smo ugotovili v pojavnosti vseh induciranih tumorjev (p < 0,02). Samci so kazali večjo incidenco kolorektalnih tumorjev, ki so bili tudi histološko bolj podobni tumorjem pri človeku. Zato priporočamo za raiskovalno delo na kolorektalnih tumorjeih Wistar samca.