Author/Editor     Eloe, Janos; Balatoni, Zsusza; Tar, Tibor
Title     Early piriform sinus cancer - results of treatment with partial vertical pharyngectomy
Translated title     Operacija zgodnjega raka piriformnega sinusa z vertikalno delno odstranitvijo žrela
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 4
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 384-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Between 1986-1995, 179 patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma were surgically treated at our department. Among them, 35 had functional partial resection. Out of these, 13 patients had vertical partial pharyngolaryngectomy carried out after ipsilateral neck dissection. The access to the primary tumors was made via lateral pharyngectomy. Eight out of thirteen patients aredisease free two after the treatment, with well functioning larynx. Some complications occurred, but there were no cases of surgery related death. The hypopharyngeal cancers are considered as supermalignant tumors. The achieved good functional results and survival rate prove that conservation surgery -partial laryngopharyngectomy - in selected cases of early hypopharynx carcinoma is a good altrnative to radical surgery.
Summary     V letih 1986 do 1995 so na kirurškem oddelku bolnice Uzsoki v Budimpešti operirali 179 bolnikov z rakom hipofarinksa. 35 bolnikom je bila narejena funkcionalna delna resekcija ter 13 od teh vertikalna delna odstranitev žrela in grla. Pristop do primarnega tumorja je potekal z lateralno faringektomijo. Dve leti po operaciji je 8 bolnikov od 13 brez znakov bolezni in z dobro funkcijo grla. Opazili so nekaj zapletov, peri- in postoperativnih smrti ni bilo. Rak hipofarinksa uvrščamo med prognostične neugodne bolezni. Kljub temu je v izbranih zgodnjih primerih bolezni indicirana ohranitvena operacija - delna odstranitev grla in žrela. S takšno operacija lahko ob primerni izbiri bolnikov ohranimo funkcijo organa in dosežemo sorazmerno veliko ozdravitev brez znakov bolezni.