Author/Editor     Guček, Andrej; Drinovec, J; Kveder, Radoslav; Ponikvar, Rafael; Koželj, Gordana; Habjan, Monika
Title     Bikarbonatna hemodializa in cirkulacijska stabilnost
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Univerzitetna nefrološka klinika
Publication year     1989
Volume     str. 22
Language     slo
Abstract     8 instable elderly patients on maintenance hemodialysis (HD) were studied while undergoing acetate (A1) HD 3 times a week, then bicarbonate (B) HD for a week acetate (A2) HD once more during the third period. This prospective study was carried out to compare effects of acetate and bicarbonate buffers on cardiovascular stability, tolerance of ultrafiltration and balance of acido-base state. The results indicate that dialysis with bicarbonate (B) leads to significantly smaller increase of heart rate beats/min (p < 0,05) than with acetate (A1,A2) during the HD and at the end of HD (p<0,005). There were found less hypotensive episode (p<0,05) at B:A1 but difference was not significant at B:A2. There were no statistical differences between blood pressure changes during acetate (A1,A2) and bicarbonate (B) HD. Ultrafiltrations were constant and relatively moderate during each type of HD and there were no statistical significant differences. Plasma bicarbonate concentratins and pCO2 increased moderatly and differences between A1,A2 and B were significant (p<0,001 for bicarbonate, p<0,05 for pCO2) at the end of HD. There were no significant differences in pH and in oxygenation of arterial blood. There were found 5 patients with plasma acetate concentrations higher than 7 mmol/1 and it appears, that this group of patients metabolise acetate more slowly.
Descriptors     HEMODIALYSIS