Author/Editor     Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Dojenje, tudi dejavnik varnega in srečnega materinstva
Translated title     Breast-feeding, one of the factors of a safe happy motherhood
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3-4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 102-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Article deals with natural infant nutrition - breast-feeding as a theme of the World Health Day 1998 - Safe Motherhood. Breast-feeding as a natural continuation of pregnancy should be considered within the complex of women reproduction cycle. Problems and troubles which could emerge on connection with breast-feeding generally do not put life at risk, nevertheless, breast-feeding is an important factor for the health of mother and child, for healthy development and happy motherhood, which complements safe motherhood. Some data concerning the situation on this domain are presented in the article, and the advantages of breast-feeding based on the most recent cognitions from world literature, which can be used for the preparationof health-educational programmes, are described further on. Exposed is also the informed decision of each mother for breast-feeding or for infant formula and the related dilemmas.
Summary     Članek obravnava naravno prehrano dojenčkov - dojenje in se vključuje v temo varno materinstvo svetovnega dneva zdravja za l. 1998. Dojenje kot naravno nadaljevanje nosečnosti mora biti obravnavano v okviru reprodukcijskega ciklusa ženske. Problemi in težave, ki bi se lahko pojavile v zvezi z dojenje, sicer v glavnem ne ogrožajo življenja, so pa odločilni za zdravje matere in otroka. Dojenje je eden dejavnikov srečnega materinstva. Članek predstavlja stanje na tem področju v Sloveniji, predstavlja prednosti dojenja, najnovejša spoznanja iz svetovne strokovne literature, uporabna pri pripravi zdravstvenovzgojnih programov. Na koncu obravnava t.i. informirano odločitev vsake matere za dojenje ali hranjenje po steklenički in dileme v zvezi s tem.
Descriptors     BREAST FEEDING