Author/Editor     Urek, Mojca
Title     Vprašanje materinstva v teoriji in paksi feminističnega socialnega dela v ženski svetovalnici
Translated title     Motherhood issue in feminist social work theory and practice in women's counselling project
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3-4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 163-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper presents a non-governmental women's psycho-social project, "Women's counselling service", which has been established in Ljubljana and ran by women-volunteers since 1993. Their work is based on the feminist perspective which brings a new dimension into counselling. Focusing on motherhood, the author suggests some possibilities offered by the feminist theoretical framework. She presents the issue of motherhood through relation between women and nature: in our society it is very well known which "natural" spaces belong to women and what happens if a singular woman finds herself in the space to which she doesn't belong. The author proves that women can experience an extremely emphasised and glorified notion of motherhood as a pressure, which can have an important impact on their decisions, regardless whether they wish to have children or not. The author also shows how the reduction of the category of "the woman" to the category of "the mother" can effect women's mental health. She suggests a few ways by which the feministic oriented social practices can answer a singular woman's needs toward her stronger empowerment, bigger autonomy, widening of the choices and opening up possibilities for new identity positions.
Summary     Članek opisuje delovanje nevladnega ženskega psihosocialnega projekta. Ženske svetovalnice, ki deluje v Ljubljani od leta 1993. Njihovo delo temelji na feministični perspektivi, ki vnaša v proces svetovanja novo razsežnost. Na primeru vprašanja materinstva nakaže nekatere možnosti, ki jih ponuja feministični teoretski okvir. Avtorica to vprašanje širše tematizira prek razmerja med žensko in naravo. V družbi je dobro znano, kateri "naravni" prostori pripadajo ženskam, in kaj se sgodi, ko se posameznica znajde v prostoru, v katerega ne sodi. Avtorica dokazuje, da izrazito poudarjajo in poveličevanje pomena materinstva mnoge ženske občutijo kot pritisk, ki lahko pomembno vpliva na njihove odločitve, ne glede na to, ali si otroke želijo ali ne. Pokaže, kako lahko redukcija kategorije "ženske" v kategorijo "matere" vpliva na duševno zdravje žensk. Predlaga tudi, kako lahko feministično usmerjena socialna praksa odgovarja na potrebe posameznic v smeri njihovega opolnomočenja, večje avtonomije, širjenja življenjskih izbir in odpiranja možnosti za nove identitetne položaje.
Descriptors     PREGNANCY