Author/Editor     Kalin, Jana
Title     Spoznavanje samega sebe: obvezne izbirne vsebine za srednješolce
Translated title     Knowing yourself - compulsory optional subject for secondary students
Type     članek
Source     Vzgoja izob
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29, št. 2
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 21-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Compulsory optional subjects may be percieved as one option to help young people with their growing-up. A part of the evaluation of programmes developed by The Institute Josef Stefan, Centre for information and outschool education is presented in the article. The importance of participation in the course for young people duting their personnal maturity has been researched and the ways of dissemination of comprehension obtained in the course Knowing yourself in particular. The questionnaire and the interview with participants in the cours have been used for data collection. Youg people - participants of the course continue with learning about thenelves, they think about themselves and the others much more, they, observe themselves and others. Their attitude towards other people has changed, they mention changes in their personal charactenstics (self-confidence, courage, openess, self esteem, relaxation, easier decision-taking and setting aims for their life). Their emotional reactions have been changed as well as their attitude towards themselves: easier acceptance of their selves and their physical appearance has also been mentioned.
Descriptors     SCHOOLS