Author/Editor     Bednarik, Jurij; Rednak, Katarina; Poljak, Mario; Seme, Katja
Title     Človeški T-celični limfotropni virus tipa I (HTVL-I)
Translated title     Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-)
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 4
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 507-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Down syndrome is the most common individual cause of mental retardation in children. Prenatal screening for Down syndrome, based on the maternal age, has been practised in Slovenia since 1981. Between 1987 and 1994, Down syndrome was diagnosed prenatally in merely 17% of infants. In 1995, triple-marker testing for the second trimester prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome was introduced. Using this method we measured alpha-fetoprotein, human chronic gonadotrophin and unconjugated estriol in maternal blood, and estimated the pregnant woman's risk of carrying a baby with Down syndrome. The expected percentage of detected Down syndrome cases is approximately 60 % with the rate of false positive results being 5 to 7%. The paper describes some practical aspects of the test, and presents pregnancy complications after a false-positive screen for Down syndrome. The paper describes a screening method using ultrasound measurements of fetal nuchal translucency, and new laboratory tests, likely to become useful tools of prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome in the future.
Summary     Downov sindrom je najpogostejši posamezni vzrok za duševno zaostalost otrok. Prenatalno odkrivanje poteka v Sloveniji a amniocentezo in kariotipizacijo od leta 1981, in sicer s presejanjem na podlagi starosti matere. V letih 1987-94 smo prenatalno odkrili le 17% plodov z Downovim sindromom. Leta 1995 smo začeli s presejanjem s trojnim hormonskim testom v drugem tromesečju enoplodnih nosečnosti. V materini krvi določimo vrednost alfafetoproteina, humanega horionskega gonadotropina in nekonjugiranega estriola ter izračunamo tveganje za rojstvo otroka z Downovim sindromom. Pričakujemo, da bomo odkrili približno 60% plodov z Downovim sindromom ob 5-7% lažno pozitivnih rezultatov. V članku predstavljamo praktične vidike testa in opisujemo zaplete, ki se pojavljajo pri nosečnicah, ki so lažno vključene v skupino z visokim tveganjem za rojstvo otroka z Downovim sindromom. Opisano je tudi presejanje z merjenjem nuhalne svetline in laboratorijske metode, ki bodo morda uporabne v prihodnosti.
Descriptors     HTLV-I