Author/Editor     Accetto, Rok
Title     Arterijska hipertenzija in žile
Translated title     Arterial hypertension and blood vessels
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 27-33
Language     slo
Abstract     Arteries are adversely affected by arterial hypertension. They are one of the target organs in hypertension, yet they may also be the cause of arterial hypertension. A precise distinction between the two roles is usually not possible. In hypertension, the media of resistance arteries is remodeled in a fashion resembling the hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Atherosclerosis of larger arteries is enhanced by hypertension in the presence of other risk factors, most notably hypercholesterolemia. Hypertension alone does not cause atherosclerosis. Insight into the mechanisms of arterial wall changes in hypertension helps physicians in prescribing appropriate antihypertensive therapy.
Summary     Arterije so pri hipertenziji organ, ki je prizadet zaradi visokega krvnega tlaka (tarčni organ), obenem pa so lahko tudi vzrok za njegovo zvišanje. Običajno je razmejitev nemogoča. Po eni strani gre za strukturne spremembe v mediji uporovnih žil v smislu preoblikovanja, kot ga poznamo pri hipertrofiji levega prekata, po drugi strani pa za pospeševanje ateroskleroze večjih arterij ob prisotnosti drugih dejavnikov tveganja (najpogosteje hiperholesterolemije), ki je verjetno hipertenzija sama po sebi ne povzroča. Poznavanje mehanizmov nam omogoča ustreznejšo izbiro antihipertenzivnega zdravljenja.
Descriptors     HYPERTENSION