Author/Editor     Krejči, Fedor
Title     Zdravniške napake - opažanja kliničnega tiksikologa
Translated title     Medical errors - observations of a clinical toxicologist
Type     članek
Source     In: Balažic J, Štefanič B, editors. Zdravniška napaka. 28.memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. 7. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega; 1997 dec 4-5; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za sodno medicino,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 177-82
Language     slo
Abstract     The author discusses the possibility of error in the treatment of patients suffering from poisoning. As with every other branch of clinical medicine, clinical toxicology is not immune to error. This paper discusses the causes of the most common errors, such as insufficient knowledge in this field, the doctor's failure to diagnose poisoning, hasty decisions regarding diagnostics and therapy in this area of emergency medicine, etc. The article lists the measures aimed at reducing the number of these errors in clinical toxicology. One of the most effective measures for the reduction of the number of errors in the treatment of poisoning is the introduction of a permanent advisory service in institutes dealing with poisonig, in Slovenia and worldwide. It is safe to say that these services are peculiar to this branch of clinical medicine.
Descriptors     POISONING