Author/Editor     Mežnar, Brane; Balažic, Jože
Title     Zdravniška napaka in njena stopenjska obravnava v strokovnih organizacijah
Translated title     Medical error and its gradual management in professional organisations
Type     članek
Source     In: Balažic J, Štefanič B, editors. Zdravniška napaka. 28.memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. 7. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega; 1997 dec 4-5; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za sodno medicino,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 231-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Upon its rebirth in 1991, the Medical Chamber of Slovenia took over a number of functions, among them the supervision of the quality of medical work. As a professional organisation with obligatory membership for Slovene doctors it not only gives its members protection, but also conducts measures against them in cases of violation of the Code of Medical Deontology of Slovenia and violations of Chamber resolutions. In the paper the authors attempt to describe above all the operations of the Chamber prosecutor's office and courts arbitration in dealing with violations by its members in accordance with the Regulations on the Organisation and Work of the Arbitration Court of he Medical Chamber of Slovenia.
Descriptors     MEDICAL ERRORS