Author/Editor     Ferluga, Dušan; Rott, Tomaž; Vizjak, Alenka; Hvala, Asta; Luzar, Boštjan
Title     Pasti in možnosti zmot v diagnostični nefropatologiji
Translated title     Pitfalls and sources of errors in diagnostic nephropathology
Type     članek
Source     In: Balažic J, Štefanič B, editors. Zdravniška napaka. 28.memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. 7. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega; 1997 dec 4-5; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za sodno medicino,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 275-86
Language     slo
Abstract     The introduction of kidney biopsy in diagnostic procedure in the year 1951 is the turning point in the development of nephropathology. Numerous specificities connected with the diagnosis of non-tumoral, mostly glomerular kidney diseases, demand their performing in highly specialized institutions. Our experience is based on evaluation of over 6000 kidney biopsies from the year 1966 on. pitfalls, mistakes and errors may occur even in the top-level referree centres, in all the stages of prodecure, from biopsy itself, laboratory treatment of biopsy specimens, examination and evaluation of pathologic changes, to the final report, and may be made by nephropathologist and his co-workers, including technical and administrative staff. The errors may be caused by unadequate organization of such activity, by insufficient technical equipment and unsatisfactory routine methods, by recklessness, ignorance, lack of experience, under-developed cooperation and mutual information, and also by objective circumstances. The errors should be assessed all the time, and critically analyzed. The adequate measures should be undertaken to prevent and eradicate all deficiency. The organization of nephropathologic department is reasonable, professionaly and economically justified, only in the centres with more than 100 kidney biopsies/ year, with adquate staff capacities and tehnical facilities. The later should include light-, electrone-microsopy, and immunflurosence technique. The permanent quality control is the most important measure for assessing and prevention of pitfalls, mistoakes and fatal errors. It assures adequate quality of work, the evaluation of biopsies in the shortest time, and may be ensured by good organized team collaboration. Intensive interdisciplinary collaboration, disscusing all the cases on regular weekly clinico-pathological conferences, consultations with experts at home and abroad, are the best effictiv quality control, and also encourange the progress of the field.
Descriptors     KIDNEY