Author/Editor     Sedmak, B; Obal, R
Title     Gojenje in promet s školjkami s poudarkom na biotoksinih - predlogi za uskladitev slovenske zakonodaje z evropsko
Translated title     Cultivation of and trade with shellfish with the emphasis on biotoxins - suggestions for the harmonisation of Slovene legislation with European regulations
Type     članek
Source     Vet Nov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 5
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 189-201
Language     slo
Abstract     In Slovenia we have three locations, where the mariculture activities are perfomed; shellfish and fish farms near Seča and two shellfish production areas near Strunjan and Lazaret. Periodical outbreaks of DSP 1989 since have strongly affected shellfish trade nad they represent one of the reasons that the production in 1997 was reduced from the previous 600 tons to 120 tons per year. The shellfish farm near Lazaret was even abandoned. In the present article suggestions are presented with the aim to harmonise the Slovene legislation with EU Directives concerning the survey of shellfish toxicity and phytoplankton monitoring. The establishement of an area for shellfish relaying, as the most appropriate method for shellfish purification is proposed.
Descriptors     SHELLFISH