Author/Editor     Benedičič, Desa; Pušenjak, Miša; Ravnikar, Maja
Title     Rast in pridelek fižola (Phaseolus vulgaris L. sorte Starozagorski) vzgojenega v tkivni kulturi
Translated title     Growth and harvest of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Starozagorski), bred in tissue culture
Type     članek
Source     In: Rečnik M, Verbič J, editors. Zbornik posveta kmetijstvo in okolje; 1998 mar 12-13; Bled. Ljubljana: Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 337-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Advantages of the application of virusfree bean seeds cv. "Starozagorski" were investigated. From the results it is evident that the yieled of virusfree bean is 100% higher than that of infected bean. This confirms the significance of using healthy seeds in production.
Descriptors     LEGUMES